Senin, 28 Desember 2009

it's all about groove

groove it's all about soul,
feel, emotion, synchronization , and the music itself,
just feel it, once you feel it just don't blow it,

well, it's gonna sound really corny, but...
just let the groove flow...

on your mind...
on your soul...
on your music...
on your heart....
and on your life...

hey, for all you guys, especially music player,,,try this one...

when you're jamming with a bass player or guitar player or a drummer....
just let them play first, let them give the rhymes and notes or the grooves...
hear it, feel it, and stick it on your hand and feet...
follow it, let your head feel the groove...

once you feel you like it, feel free to follow the other player...

just follow the flow and emotion of the song....

let the notes and picking of the bass guitar become one with the drums....
let the rhythms and guitar notes flow on your mind, and enjoy it, let it bring your emotion and soul.....

god!!!once you got it...'ve no idea what it feels like....

for me, it feels like when you let out all of your feelin' out....anger, sadness, happiness, laugh, or even maybe love.....

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