Terkadang (mungkin sering),
kita selalu mengejar kesenangan dan kebahagiaan hanya untuk diri kita sendiri saja...
Selalu ada 1 prinsip di alam bawah sadar kita yang sudah tertulis sejak kita bisa membedakan mana yang salah dan mana yang benar...
"Kita harus mengejar kebahagiaan diri kita dengan segala cara selama hal itu benar"
Kemarin,entah kenapa saya merasakan satu hal yang sangat tiba2 dan menyenangkan..
2 hari yang lalu, saya dan teman saya, Hero, mencari layangan di jatinangor, karena kita ingin bermain layangan di kiara payung...
Waktu hero mencari tukang layangan itu, hero dibantu oleh 2 orang anak kcil, tepatnya SD, sekitar kelas 2-4 SD...
Mereka adalah orang yang bisa kita bilang "kurang mampu"...
Akhirnya saya dan hero bisa membeli layangan karena kedua anak tersebut...
Setelah itu saya dan teman2 bermain layangan di kiara payung..
Setelah main layangan di kiara payung, saya, hero, tika, wenny, ratih dan nasrul pergi untuk makan malam di suatu tempat masih di daerah jatinangor...
Saya merasa sangat haus,lalu saya pergi membeli teh susu yang ada di dekat tempat makan tersebut..
Tiba2 ada yang memanggil dari sebelah saya..
"A, a, aa yang tadi bli layangan ya?saya liat mobil aa inget"
"Oh, kamu..haha...ngapain di sini??"
(entah kenapa tiba2 kluar kalimat brikut dari mulut saya)
"de,mau minum teh?"
(dia mengangguk)
"Mba,teh susunya bikin satu lagi.."
(dan sekali lagi kluar kata2 yang biasanya tidak pernah saya utarakan)
"Udah makan belum??"
"belum A"
"hayu atuh makan di bawah sama saya"
(padahal saya tau uang di dompet saya tidak cukup untuk membayar makanan untuk 2 porsi,dan saya akui sebenarnya saya lumayan lapar pada saat itu)
anak kcil itu pun mengikuti saya pergi ke tempat makan tersebut..
Lalu saya tawarkan menu yang ada di tempat makan tersebut...
(dari sini entah kenapa saya merasa tenang,nyaman,dan bahagia,rasa lapar perlahan hilang)
"saya mau bebek bakar satu a"
(lalu saya memesan ke kasir)
"Mas,nasi putih,sama bebek bakarnya satu ya"
Setelah itu kami berkenalan
"namanya syapa de?"
"rumah di mana?"
"itu di belakang bale"
tidak lama setelah itu,makanan pun datang...
Tanpa menunggu apa-apa lagi,nendi langsung menyantap makanan tersebut dengan lahap...
Jujur,entah kenapa, ada suatu hal ketika saya melihat anak kcil tersebut makan makanan yang ada di meja, saya merasa sangat bahagia,sangat tenang, saya senang bisa melihat ekspresi jujur seorang anak kcil yang masih polos,ekspresi senang,bahagia,dan .......... (speechless)
Saya terus melihat anak kcil tersebut makan tanpa henti..
Rasa lapar hilang...
Rasa kenyang dan senang mendadak timbul...
Wajahnya sangat jujur dan polos...
Saya berfikir.."kenapa saya kurang bersyukur dengan keadaan saya yang sekarang ini padahal anak ini saja mempunyai kehidupan yang jauh lebih sulit dari saya"
Seorang sahabat pernah menasehati saya :
"gan,kamu tuh jangan terlalu keras,harus peduli ama sekitar"
dan memang sejak saat itu saya sering memikirkan prinsip hidup syaa yang sangat berlawanan :
"kalau orang itu tidak menguntungkan saya,ngapain juga saya mempedulikan orang tersebut"
dan ternyata saya akui prinsip saya salah...
dari hal di atas,saya bisa menyimpulkan,untuk mendapatkan suatu kebahagiaan yang tulus dan jujur,terkadang kita harus membuat orang di sekeliling kita bahagia,walaupun kita tidak mengenal orang tersebut...karena bisa melihat orang lain bahagia karena kita adalah kepuasan dan kebahagiaan tersendiri yang tidak akan pernah kita rasakan dengan cara apa pun...
untuk hal ini,saya sangat berterima kasih kepada orang2 yang sudah pernah memberi nasihat kepada saya tentang hal ini...
tika,ifa,ratih,wenny,dan smua orang yang merasa pernah menasehati saya....thx all...
Senin, 28 Desember 2009
Lantai Ter"Datar" Yang pernah ada
sering kali manusia (apalagi seumur kita ke atas) ga pernah puas ama apa yang udh dimilikin...
emang saya terakhir2 ini sempet kecewa ama kehidupan saya yang "datar2" aja....
Datar ; ngejalanin kegiatan yang gitu2 aja..
ga ada perkembangan, apalagi di karir (di kasus saya yaitu band)..
Penyakit "cuek" saya ama kluarga ga ilang2...
n masih banyak lagi...
tapi gara2 seseorang, dia udh ngebuka pikiran saya, cuma manusia yang berpikiran pendek, dan mempunyai sedikit peluang untuk maju yang cuma mengeluh dan mengeluh akan hidupnya...
Orang2 yang hidupnya serba kurang akan mengeluh : "knp hidup saya susah??"
Orang2 yang hidupnya serba cukup akan mengeluh : "kapan saya akan bisa lebih lagi??"
Orang2 yang hidupnya serba lebih akan mengeluh : "saya jenuh dengan materi,apa yg harus saya cari lg?"
itulah kalimat2 yang akan keluar bila kita menjadi orang yang tidak bisa mensyukuri apa yang udh kita miliki...
mungkin (dan kayanya emang bener), 1 tahun terakhir ini saya terus mengeluh, terutama pada satu teman saya : "Lin, ko idup gw gini2 aja, asli, bosen banget, kadang2 gw jenuh kuliah,band,jg jenuh maen drum"
tapi seseorang udh bisa ngebuka pikiran gw (someone in this note)...
"KELUHAN" adalah sampah yang ada di otak kita...
Siapa yang bikin hidup saya datar????
saya ga bisa manfaatin semua sesuatu yang udh ada...
saya yakin, klo saya dari dulu ga mengeluh dan trus mencari dan manfaatin semua kemungkinan yang ada untuk merubah hidup ke arah yang lebih baik, saya yakin "KELUHAN-KELUHAN" itu ga akan keluar dari mulut...
sekarang saya sedang mencoba untuk merubah lantai hidup saya menjadi tangga yang terus naik ke atas bukan turun...
hahaha....cukup klise...tapi bener ko...
emang saya terakhir2 ini sempet kecewa ama kehidupan saya yang "datar2" aja....
Datar ; ngejalanin kegiatan yang gitu2 aja..
ga ada perkembangan, apalagi di karir (di kasus saya yaitu band)..
Penyakit "cuek" saya ama kluarga ga ilang2...
n masih banyak lagi...
tapi gara2 seseorang, dia udh ngebuka pikiran saya, cuma manusia yang berpikiran pendek, dan mempunyai sedikit peluang untuk maju yang cuma mengeluh dan mengeluh akan hidupnya...
Orang2 yang hidupnya serba kurang akan mengeluh : "knp hidup saya susah??"
Orang2 yang hidupnya serba cukup akan mengeluh : "kapan saya akan bisa lebih lagi??"
Orang2 yang hidupnya serba lebih akan mengeluh : "saya jenuh dengan materi,apa yg harus saya cari lg?"
itulah kalimat2 yang akan keluar bila kita menjadi orang yang tidak bisa mensyukuri apa yang udh kita miliki...
mungkin (dan kayanya emang bener), 1 tahun terakhir ini saya terus mengeluh, terutama pada satu teman saya : "Lin, ko idup gw gini2 aja, asli, bosen banget, kadang2 gw jenuh kuliah,band,jg jenuh maen drum"
tapi seseorang udh bisa ngebuka pikiran gw (someone in this note)...
"KELUHAN" adalah sampah yang ada di otak kita...
Siapa yang bikin hidup saya datar????
saya ga bisa manfaatin semua sesuatu yang udh ada...
saya yakin, klo saya dari dulu ga mengeluh dan trus mencari dan manfaatin semua kemungkinan yang ada untuk merubah hidup ke arah yang lebih baik, saya yakin "KELUHAN-KELUHAN" itu ga akan keluar dari mulut...
sekarang saya sedang mencoba untuk merubah lantai hidup saya menjadi tangga yang terus naik ke atas bukan turun...
hahaha....cukup klise...tapi bener ko...
What's your soul??
kita smwa pasti pengen ngerasain sesuatu yang bisa ngebuat kita ngerasa emosi(in a good way), puas, pengen ngeluarin air mata(bukan berarti sedih), seneng, ketawa dan senyum,tenang, nyaman, n sesuatu yang bikin kita pengen teriakin apa aja yang ada di pikiran kita dalam waktu yang sama...(ngerasain smwanya skligus)
Bagi saya, "Musik" adalah sesuatu yang bisa membuat smwa hal itu berlari dan berputar di dalam pikiran saya...
Coba lakuin hal brikut ini :
1.Tentuin satu hal (hobby,lagu,kegiatan apa aja,seseorang,atau apa pun) yang sangat kita suka,jiwai,dan emang hal itu yang bisa ngebuat kita nyaman,tenang,dsb....
2.tekunin hal itu,jiwain hal itu,telusuri hal itu,pelajari hal itu,dekati hal itu,lakuin apa aja untuk ngebuat kalian ngerasa "satu" dengan hal itu.(dengan tulus)
3.di mana saat klian sedang "menyatu"(melakukan/bersama/melihat/mendengar) dengan "hal" tersebut,cobalah untuk mengerti apa yang ngebuat hal itu bisa nyiptain rasa2 tersebut.(ketika saya memukul drum,apalagi saat saya bermain band ; ketika kamu memetik gitar ; ketika kamu menekan tombol untuk mengambil gambar dari kamera ; saat kita mendengar lagu, perhatikan semua nada2 dan liriknya ; ketika kita dekat dengan org yang kita sayangi,tidak harus selalu "cinta" ; saat di mana kita menulis sesuatu ; saat di mana kita berada di tempat yang paling kita sukai)
rasanya sangat nyaman,lupa akan segala hal,di saat itu hanya ada kita dan "hal" tersebut...
bayangkan seperti ini :
kita berada di suatu media / ruangan / dimensi di mana di ruang dan waktu itu cuma ada diri kita sendiri dan "hal" yang bisa membuat kita ngerasain semua perasaan positif yang ada di dunia...
rasanya sangat nyaman...tenang....
perasaan puas,sedih,mungkin terharu,senang,semuanya bercampur di dalam ruangan itu,ga ada masalah,ga ada hal negatif yang mengganggu....
dan satu lagi...khusus hal ini adalah cita2 bagi saya dan mungkin beberapa org...
bagaimana rasanya bila "hal" tersebut menjadi sesuatu yang bisa menopang hidup (mungkin pekerjaan) kita nanti...
bekerja dan menjiwai hal tersebut...
jangan pernah kita menghilangkan perasaan ini sampai tubuh kita ditelan bumi kelak...
Bagi saya, "Musik" adalah sesuatu yang bisa membuat smwa hal itu berlari dan berputar di dalam pikiran saya...
Coba lakuin hal brikut ini :
1.Tentuin satu hal (hobby,lagu,kegiatan apa aja,seseorang,atau apa pun) yang sangat kita suka,jiwai,dan emang hal itu yang bisa ngebuat kita nyaman,tenang,dsb....
2.tekunin hal itu,jiwain hal itu,telusuri hal itu,pelajari hal itu,dekati hal itu,lakuin apa aja untuk ngebuat kalian ngerasa "satu" dengan hal itu.(dengan tulus)
3.di mana saat klian sedang "menyatu"(melakukan/bersam
rasanya sangat nyaman,lupa akan segala hal,di saat itu hanya ada kita dan "hal" tersebut...
bayangkan seperti ini :
kita berada di suatu media / ruangan / dimensi di mana di ruang dan waktu itu cuma ada diri kita sendiri dan "hal" yang bisa membuat kita ngerasain semua perasaan positif yang ada di dunia...
rasanya sangat nyaman...tenang....
perasaan puas,sedih,mungkin terharu,senang,semuanya bercampur di dalam ruangan itu,ga ada masalah,ga ada hal negatif yang mengganggu....
dan satu lagi...khusus hal ini adalah cita2 bagi saya dan mungkin beberapa org...
bagaimana rasanya bila "hal" tersebut menjadi sesuatu yang bisa menopang hidup (mungkin pekerjaan) kita nanti...
bekerja dan menjiwai hal tersebut...
jangan pernah kita menghilangkan perasaan ini sampai tubuh kita ditelan bumi kelak...
Blurry Vision...
Am i Alive??,
Are there anyone notices that i am?
But there's no doubt that i am alive,i am breathing after all...
But still...
To be "Involved" with someone...
To live, means doing something for the sake of someone else.
The real world is full of pain, so does the world of "mine" too...
The pain continues to gather and cause more pain...
"Despite it all, why do people still involve themselves?"
"Because in the end, people can't go on liveng doing so"
That's just how it is...
But whether we're alive or dead, there are many doors will always be open for us...
Whether it be rain or shine, whenever u feel like it, you can just go through those doors...
Are there anyone notices that i am?
But there's no doubt that i am alive,i am breathing after all...
But still...
To be "Involved" with someone...
To live, means doing something for the sake of someone else.
The real world is full of pain, so does the world of "mine" too...
The pain continues to gather and cause more pain...
"Despite it all, why do people still involve themselves?"
"Because in the end, people can't go on liveng doing so"
That's just how it is...
But whether we're alive or dead, there are many doors will always be open for us...
Whether it be rain or shine, whenever u feel like it, you can just go through those doors...
hahaha...i'm absolutely right!!
so....my point is...
something's made, happened, and written...
and they're meant to be forgotten...
well, it's hurts at first...
but you'll get used to it...
and it does feels good...
thx bim!!!!
"How happy is the blameless vestal's lot? The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Each prayer and each wish resigned"
(taken from The Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind)
something's made, happened, and written...
and they're meant to be forgotten...
well, it's hurts at first...
but you'll get used to it...
and it does feels good...
thx bim!!!!
"How happy is the blameless vestal's lot? The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Each prayer and each wish resigned"
(taken from The Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind)
Such a Thief!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
asli,swara nyokapnya bontang manjur bgt ,lbih manjur dari weker!!! gw n bontang langsung lari ke bawah bwt ngliat keadaan mobil gw!!!
1 hal yang langsung terlintas di otak "
"ANJING!!!!Snare Slingerland gw!!!Cymbal TRX gw!!!Hihat Zildjian gw!!!anjis!!!drum gw!!!istri2 gw tercinta!!!!!!!"
gw n bontang langsung lari ke bawah trus ngbuka pager bwt ngliat lansung keadaan mobil gw....
untuk beberapa detik, gw langsung nunduk n ngomong...
"astagfirullah.....wah.....drum gw gimana??!!!"
waktu pager udh kbuka, gw n bontang langsung ngliat keadaan mobil gw, ngliat, apa aja yang ilang.....
dan ternyata ISTRI2 GW ADA!!!!!!!!!!!
Ga dicuri!!!!!!!!
MP3 gw jg ada!!!!!!!
Spatu Converse gw ada!!!!!
Tape gw ada!!!!!(iyalah,sapa jg yg mo nyuri,ga ada cd playernya,cuma kaset doang!!)
dan setelah nyadar apa yang ilang,gw n bontang langsung ngakak parah!!!
ampe balik ke kamer jg masih aja ngakak!!!!
yang ilang adalah :
asli,gw ga abis pikir ma ni maling.....hahahaha..emang otaknya ada di pantat kali ya..ketuker ma lemak.....
apa emang di dunia permalingan barang2 di atas ga ada harganya....
maling cm tau "pokonya yang ada listriknya pasti mahal"
hahaha....makanya...jadi maling jangan cm tau bgonoan doang....skli2 lat2 toko musik ke.....ngecek harga barang...hahahahhahahahahhahahahah.....
so that's all folks!!!!thx for reading!!!!!
oh satu lagi.......haduh...untuk ivan...asli lu hoki banget!!!kebayang ga klo gitar fender lu gw taro di mobil.....hmmmmmmmmmm....baikkkk.......gw bs stress mampus.........
asli,swara nyokapnya bontang manjur bgt ,lbih manjur dari weker!!! gw n bontang langsung lari ke bawah bwt ngliat keadaan mobil gw!!!
1 hal yang langsung terlintas di otak "
"ANJING!!!!Snare Slingerland gw!!!Cymbal TRX gw!!!Hihat Zildjian gw!!!anjis!!!drum gw!!!istri2 gw tercinta!!!!!!!"
gw n bontang langsung lari ke bawah trus ngbuka pager bwt ngliat lansung keadaan mobil gw....
untuk beberapa detik, gw langsung nunduk n ngomong...
waktu pager udh kbuka, gw n bontang langsung ngliat keadaan mobil gw, ngliat, apa aja yang ilang.....
dan ternyata ISTRI2 GW ADA!!!!!!!!!!!
Ga dicuri!!!!!!!!
MP3 gw jg ada!!!!!!!
Spatu Converse gw ada!!!!!
Tape gw ada!!!!!(iyalah,sapa jg yg mo nyuri,ga ada cd playernya,cuma kaset doang!!)
dan setelah nyadar apa yang ilang,gw n bontang langsung ngakak parah!!!
ampe balik ke kamer jg masih aja ngakak!!!!
yang ilang adalah :
asli,gw ga abis pikir ma ni maling.....hahahaha..emang
apa emang di dunia permalingan barang2 di atas ga ada harganya....
maling cm tau "pokonya yang ada listriknya pasti mahal"
hahaha....makanya...jadi maling jangan cm tau bgonoan doang....skli2 lat2 toko musik ke.....ngecek harga barang...hahahahhahahahahh
so that's all folks!!!!thx for reading!!!!!
oh satu lagi.......haduh...untuk ivan...asli lu hoki banget!!!kebayang ga klo gitar fender lu gw taro di mobil.....hmmmmmmmmmm....b
it's all about groove
groove it's all about soul,
feel, emotion, synchronization , and the music itself,
just feel it, once you feel it just don't blow it,
well, it's gonna sound really corny, but...
just let the groove flow...
on your mind...
on your soul...
on your music...
on your heart....
and on your life...
hey, for all you guys, especially music player,,,try this one...
when you're jamming with a bass player or guitar player or a drummer....
just let them play first, let them give the rhymes and notes or the grooves...
hear it, feel it, and stick it on your hand and feet...
follow it, let your head feel the groove...
once you feel you like it, feel free to follow the other player...
just follow the flow and emotion of the song....
let the notes and picking of the bass guitar become one with the drums....
let the rhythms and guitar notes flow on your mind, and enjoy it, let it bring your emotion and soul.....
god!!!once you got it...
man....you've no idea what it feels like....
for me, it feels like when you let out all of your feelin' out....anger, sadness, happiness, laugh, or even maybe love.....
feel, emotion, synchronization , and the music itself,
just feel it, once you feel it just don't blow it,
well, it's gonna sound really corny, but...
just let the groove flow...
on your mind...
on your soul...
on your music...
on your heart....
and on your life...
hey, for all you guys, especially music player,,,try this one...
when you're jamming with a bass player or guitar player or a drummer....
just let them play first, let them give the rhymes and notes or the grooves...
hear it, feel it, and stick it on your hand and feet...
follow it, let your head feel the groove...
once you feel you like it, feel free to follow the other player...
just follow the flow and emotion of the song....
let the notes and picking of the bass guitar become one with the drums....
let the rhythms and guitar notes flow on your mind, and enjoy it, let it bring your emotion and soul.....
god!!!once you got it...
man....you've no idea what it feels like....
for me, it feels like when you let out all of your feelin' out....anger, sadness, happiness, laugh, or even maybe love.....
The Symphony of Life
There is a tree of life growing inside my mind.
I know I had it.
I know I had a chance to make it bloom
And I threw it all away.
Life and love, it’s not that simple.
You can’t love if you can’t give
You can’t live if you can’t love
I know there’s someone waiting for each every one of us.
But until now,
I don’t have any clue where “it” is.
I don’t know where I have to begin.
And maybe when I found it, still…
I’ll ask myself…
“What should I do?”
I’m loosing my light.
Still I’m hoping for it but yet confused.
The earth has given us the life-stream to stand still.
The angel has given us the hope to livin’ the life itself.
Even the devil has given us the strength to bear the blame of life.
The earth would sing her symphony of sadness and happiness for us.
Her warmth to keeps us live.
She’s always sang a song for us.
So, if we already have that much,
Why still we can’t truly love someone??
PS : “Failure, it’s always the best way to learn”
I know I had it.
I know I had a chance to make it bloom
And I threw it all away.
Life and love, it’s not that simple.
You can’t love if you can’t give
You can’t live if you can’t love
I know there’s someone waiting for each every one of us.
But until now,
I don’t have any clue where “it” is.
I don’t know where I have to begin.
And maybe when I found it, still…
I’ll ask myself…
“What should I do?”
I’m loosing my light.
Still I’m hoping for it but yet confused.
The earth has given us the life-stream to stand still.
The angel has given us the hope to livin’ the life itself.
Even the devil has given us the strength to bear the blame of life.
The earth would sing her symphony of sadness and happiness for us.
Her warmth to keeps us live.
She’s always sang a song for us.
So, if we already have that much,
Why still we can’t truly love someone??
PS : “Failure, it’s always the best way to learn”
Taken from my "unpurgatored" thoughts...
my mind was being "labyrinth-nized"
When the mist gaze her eyes onto one soul...
He'll be runnin' out the symphony of the expurgated soul...
No one livin' a good ol' life...
Yes there are no one, no nothing ever felt like these...
These hollow body which conjured on the pool of green...
them...them...them.... things...things...things...
Thus who feels...Thus who heard...
Even the wall of the crippled one would like to contribute
her little smile on the these (meaning and soul)less works...
no one knows how to read this words...
how to define and to infiltrate it into one soul...
hands won't stop walking, feet won't stop "ticking"...
These reversal keeps enduring it own instability of "His" pleasure...
"Lies"...bored to hear every single words from thy mouth...
Please, can someone just define,
and understand my words from this uncontentious and unconscious state of my mind...
When the mist gaze her eyes onto one soul...
He'll be runnin' out the symphony of the expurgated soul...
No one livin' a good ol' life...
Yes there are no one, no nothing ever felt like these...
These hollow body which conjured on the pool of green...
them...them...them.... things...things...things..
Thus who feels...Thus who heard...
Even the wall of the crippled one would like to contribute
her little smile on the these (meaning and soul)less works...
no one knows how to read this words...
how to define and to infiltrate it into one soul...
hands won't stop walking, feet won't stop "ticking"...
These reversal keeps enduring it own instability of "His" pleasure...
"Lies"...bored to hear every single words from thy mouth...
Please, can someone just define,
and understand my words from this uncontentious and unconscious state of my mind...
A Goddess smile from a little silly girl
There's nothing special with her...
She's not stunning she's not pretty like a "princess-suppose-to-be"
But there is one beautiful unforgettable moment
Her smile was so
Honest, charming, and goddess-like...
But there's one thing i hate about it...
I couldn't love her...
I couldn't love her with such a condition...
God!!Is there a way to make her realize my feeling just now??
She's not stunning she's not pretty like a "princess-suppose-to-be"
But there is one beautiful unforgettable moment
Her smile was so
Honest, charming, and goddess-like...
But there's one thing i hate about it...
I couldn't love her...
I couldn't love her with such a condition...
God!!Is there a way to make her realize my feeling just now??
The meanings of music
"Without music, life would be a mistake"
"Music was invented to confirm human loneliness"
-Lawrence Durren-
"Music is the shorthand of emotion"
-Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy-
"Music expresses that which cannot be said on which it is impossible to be silent"
-Victor Hugo-
"Music is a moral law, it gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything"
"A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence"
-Leopold Stokowski-
"See deep enough, and you see musically; the heart of nature being everywhere music"
-Thomas Carlyle-
"Music can name the un-nameable and communicate the unkownable"
-Leonard Bernstein-
"In the end, i think of music as saving grace of humanity"
-Henry Miller-
"Music was invented to confirm human loneliness"
-Lawrence Durren-
"Music is the shorthand of emotion"
-Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy-
"Music expresses that which cannot be said on which it is impossible to be silent"
-Victor Hugo-
"Music is a moral law, it gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything"
"A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence"
-Leopold Stokowski-
"See deep enough, and you see musically; the heart of nature being everywhere music"
-Thomas Carlyle-
"Music can name the un-nameable and communicate the unkownable"
-Leonard Bernstein-
"In the end, i think of music as saving grace of humanity"
-Henry Miller-
Everybody's got their own mask since they was born...
A secret??Yes it is...A public secret...
We met people..
We talk to each other...
We "Set" our image before we see each other...
For what??
Respect?? Honor??Lies??or even for LOVE??
Does love even need a lie??
Well,that's the fact that we faced now...admit it...
Smile...it's a little part of lie...
Smiles can only hide so much.
They shield the hurt and broken hearts of many.
But who actually wants to be seen?
To be heard?
Which soul is dying to be acknowledged?
If smiles can only hide so much...
Why do these heartbroken souls never get caught in their bluffs?
A secret??Yes it is...A public secret...
We met people..
We talk to each other...
We "Set" our image before we see each other...
For what??
Respect?? Honor??Lies??or even for LOVE??
Does love even need a lie??
Well,that's the fact that we faced now...admit it...
Smile...it's a little part of lie...
Smiles can only hide so much.
They shield the hurt and broken hearts of many.
But who actually wants to be seen?
To be heard?
Which soul is dying to be acknowledged?
If smiles can only hide so much...
Why do these heartbroken souls never get caught in their bluffs?
Her smile
I found a goddess in her smile -
it's the closest thing to the grace of god
And i mean it...
it's the closest thing to the grace of god
And i mean it...
Hope of my own path...
I've walked the path of uncertainty.
Not sure of where it will lead.
I've loved and lost, thats okay.
Many blessings were found along the way.
I'm looking toward the future, hope in my eyes.
Greeting each new day, it holds a surprise.
I'm open to possibility.
To find the one that loves the real me.
I'll live my life in its entirety,
& not just wait for you to find me.
I'll promise to embrace all that is good.
And forgive more often than I should.
Because tomorrow is a bright new day.
And I can't do a thing about yesterday.
Not sure of where it will lead.
I've loved and lost, thats okay.
Many blessings were found along the way.
I'm looking toward the future, hope in my eyes.
Greeting each new day, it holds a surprise.
I'm open to possibility.
To find the one that loves the real me.
I'll live my life in its entirety,
& not just wait for you to find me.
I'll promise to embrace all that is good.
And forgive more often than I should.
Because tomorrow is a bright new day.
And I can't do a thing about yesterday.
smwa orang tuh punya "lapisan luarnya" sndiri2...
dan kita g tau apa si lapisan itu tuh ngegambarin bener2 apa yang ada di dalem dirinya ato cuman topeng yang dia pake buat bikin orang respect ma dia.....
prinsip gw...
gw ga pernah percaya 100% ma siapa pun...SIAPA PUN....
soalnya....kita kan ga pernah tau apa emang stiap kata yang mereka omongin tuh bener ato ngga...
kita ga bisa bilang hal2 yang mereka omongin tuh bener ato mereka jujur...kita cuman bisa berspekulasi dan berharap...
I believe what i saw...
I don't believe what i heard...
gw muak ama istilah basa-basi dan image...
kenapa kita (bahkan termasuk gw sndiri) ga mau n ga bisa ngeliatin sepenuhnya, bentuk diri kita sejujur-jujurnya ke orang laen??
dan kita g tau apa si lapisan itu tuh ngegambarin bener2 apa yang ada di dalem dirinya ato cuman topeng yang dia pake buat bikin orang respect ma dia.....
prinsip gw...
gw ga pernah percaya 100% ma siapa pun...SIAPA PUN....
soalnya....kita kan ga pernah tau apa emang stiap kata yang mereka omongin tuh bener ato ngga...
kita ga bisa bilang hal2 yang mereka omongin tuh bener ato mereka jujur...kita cuman bisa berspekulasi dan berharap...
I believe what i saw...
I don't believe what i heard...
gw muak ama istilah basa-basi dan image...
kenapa kita (bahkan termasuk gw sndiri) ga mau n ga bisa ngeliatin sepenuhnya, bentuk diri kita sejujur-jujurnya ke orang laen??
The Greatest Place On Earth!
Well, if you thinkin' about the greatest place on earth,
maybe these places would slipped through your mind,
beach, forest, mountain, grass land, and many more...
But, for me, there's only 1 place...
"A Music Stage"
For me, it feels like heaven on earth when i were sitting down on drum chair and holding my stick...
And when i were hitting it, the grooves just kept swimming in my head, in my heart, in my soul...
Sometimes i can feel their (audience) eager and passion when they're watching me hitting my drums,
moreover when i were soloing in the middle of my band perform...
I'd do my best to make them captivated by my grooves, music, and soul...
I don't need everyone to tell that i'm a skillful drum player,
But I need them to tell, "hey man, I was enjoying your music back then"
I just wanted everyone to be able to feel what I feel when I were on stage with my band...
I don't judge my play by myself, so please, if you ever hear me playin',
Just tell me what you feel when you were hearin' it...
Well, the point is..
-The Groove is Here!-
maybe these places would slipped through your mind,
beach, forest, mountain, grass land, and many more...
But, for me, there's only 1 place...
"A Music Stage"
For me, it feels like heaven on earth when i were sitting down on drum chair and holding my stick...
And when i were hitting it, the grooves just kept swimming in my head, in my heart, in my soul...
Sometimes i can feel their (audience) eager and passion when they're watching me hitting my drums,
moreover when i were soloing in the middle of my band perform...
I'd do my best to make them captivated by my grooves, music, and soul...
I don't need everyone to tell that i'm a skillful drum player,
But I need them to tell, "hey man, I was enjoying your music back then"
I just wanted everyone to be able to feel what I feel when I were on stage with my band...
I don't judge my play by myself, so please, if you ever hear me playin',
Just tell me what you feel when you were hearin' it...
Well, the point is..
-The Groove is Here!-
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